Twin Cities Business – Medtech innovators

Feb 2024 

I loved the creative freedom to play with some intense color on this series for Twin Cities Business magazine.

Shot at my Saint Paul studio, we had several medtech entrepreneurs come over a few hours, each with a story of innovative solutions to big problems, often with a personal connection to what they are trying to solve.

It was really a rewarding project creatively and intellectually, letting me engage my science brain to try to understand what they each are working on – from AI assisted cancer screening that images blood cells, to a therapy clinic franchise chain that is hoping  make therapy more accessible and a little light hearted, to a lung cancer screening that just analyses a patient's breath.

Mixing gelled lights always can lead to fun surprises, her orange and blue combined to make lovely purples and peach tones.

While I've captured several covers for TCB magazine in the past, this was definitely my favorite collaboration to date – taking some general direction, and getting to make it my own, creating a bright, colorful cover that stands out.

Photo Editor: Michael Norseng
Art Director: Mike Novak
Photo assistant: Connor Johnson

Photography and Motion | | 814-404-1407